Loading and initialising a Qt plug-in dynamically

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Overview[edit | edit source]

Qt applications can be extended with Qt plug-ins. This code snippet demonstrates how to load and initialise plug-ins dynamically in your application using 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu.

Defining the plug-in interface and implementing the plug-in are described in additional snippet articles.

Note: In order to use this code, you need to have Qt installed on your platform.

Important[edit | edit source]

  • When using Qt libraries from the (qt_libs_armv5_udeb.sisx) on a device, be sure to build both the plug-in and the loading application in DEBUG(UDEB) mode. This is because Qt uses a build key for each plug-in to ensure that only compatible plug-ins are loaded, and the build mode [debug|release] is part of that build key.
  • In Symbian we have to define the variable 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu as true for the plug-ins (library) because Qt macros have initialised global data; see the plug-in project files for more information.

Preconditions[edit | edit source]

Project (.pro) file[edit | edit source]

The DLL (plug-in) needs to have at least the same set of capabilities as the process (application) that loads the plug-in.

Header (pluginwidget.h)[edit | edit source]

Needed headers, methods and variables. // Qt plugin loader that loads plugins dynamically

  1. include <QPluginLoader>
  2. include <QtGui>

// Our defined plugin interface ExamplePluginInterface

  1. include "exampleplugininterface.h"

// Methods bool loadPlugins(QString pluginDir); void createPlugins(); void unloadPlugins();


   // Arry to store all plugins
   QList<QPluginLoader*>   plugins;

Source (yourapp.cpp)[edit | edit source]

Load the plug-ins. bool YourApp::loadPlugins(QString pluginDir)

   QDir pluginsDir(QLibraryInfo::location
   // "exampleplugins" is the folder where you are exported plugins
   // by Qt macro Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(exampleplugins, YourPlugin);
   foreach (QString fileName, pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files))
       // Create plugin loader
       QPluginLoader* pluginLoader = 
       new QPluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
       // Store loader to array
       // Load plugin
       bool ret = pluginLoader->load();
       if (!ret)
           QMessageBox::information(this, "YourApp", 
           QString("Could not load plugin %1").arg(fileName));
   // Did we found any plugins?
   if (plugins.isEmpty())
       return false;
       return true;

Create the plug-ins. void YourApp::createPlugins()

   // Show data of all media plugins in different tabs
   for (int i=0 ; i<plugins.count() ; i++)
       QPluginLoader* pluginLoader = plugins[i];
       // Create plugin instance
       QObject *plugin = pluginLoader->instance();
       if (plugin)
           // Plugin instance created
           // Cast plugin to ExamplePluginInterface,
           // that is common for all plugins
           ExamplePluginInterface* pluginIF
           = qobject_cast<ExamplePluginInterface*>(plugin);
           // Signal / slot, if needed
           //QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(send(QString *)),
           //        pluginIF, SLOT(someSlot(QString *)));
           // Could not create plugin instance, delete pluginloader
           delete pluginLoader;

Unload the plug-ins. void YourApp::unloadPlugins()

   // Unload plugins and clear plugin array
   foreach (QPluginLoader* pluginLoader, plugins)
       delete pluginLoader;

See also[edit | edit source]

Postconditions[edit | edit source]

The Qt plug-in is loaded and initialised dynamically.