Implementing the Qt plug-in interface
Overview[edit | edit source]
Qt applications can be extended with Qt plug-ins. This code snippet demonstrates how to implement the plug-in on top of the plug-in interface defined in the client application (the interface was described in the code snippet Defining a Qt plug-in interface).
The plug-in has to implement all methods defined in the plug-in interface. Additional methods and member variables can also be implemented. However, note that the client application only sees methods and data that are defined into the common interface 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu.
The defining of a plug-in interface and plug-in usage are described in additional snippet articles.
Important[edit | edit source]
- When using Qt libraries from the (76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu) on a device, be sure to build both the plug-in and the loading application in 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu mode. This is because Qt uses a build key for each plug-in to ensure that only compatible plug-ins are loaded, and the build mode 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu is part of that build key.
- In Symbian we have to define the 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu variable as true for the plug-ins (library) because Qt macros have initialised global data; see plug-in project files for this.
Project .pro file[edit | edit source]
CONFIG += plugin
- Define path where compiler can found your defined interface for the plugins
HEADERS = yourplugin.h
SOURCES = yourplugin.cpp
TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(yourplugin)
symbian: {
- Load predefined include paths (e.g. QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR) to be used in the pro-files
- EPOCALLOWDLLDATA have to set true because Qt macros has initialised global data
- Defines plugin files into Symbian .pkg package
pluginDep.sources = yourplugin.dll
pluginDep.path = $$QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR/exampleplugins
DEPLOYMENT += pluginDep
target.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/exampleplugins
INSTALLS += target
Header (yourplugin.h)[edit | edit source]
The header for your plug-in that implements your own 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu plug-in interface.
// Your defined interface for the plugins
- include "exampleplugininterface.h"
class YourPlugin : public ExamplePluginInterface
// That is because we use Qt signal/slot feature
// in "void someSlot(QString value)"
// This macro tells Qt which interfaces the class implements
// This is used when implementing plugins
public: // From ExamplePluginInterface
QString sayHello();
public slots: // From ExamplePluginInterface
void someSlot(QString value);
Source (yourplugin.cpp)[edit | edit source]
- include <QtCore/qplugin.h>
- include "yourplugin.h"
QString YourPlugin::sayHello()
return QString("Hello from YourPlugin: "+data);
void YourPlugin::someSlot(QString value)
data = value;
// This Qt macro exports the plugin class YourPlugin with the
// name "exampleplugins"
// There should be exactly one occurrence of this YourPlugin
// macro in a Qt plugin's source code.
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(exampleplugins, YourPlugin);
See also[edit | edit source]
- For more information about Qt plug-ins, see How to Create Qt Plugins.
Postconditions[edit | edit source]
The Qt plug-in interface is implemented.