Using QML Flow to place QML elements
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Overview[edit | edit source]
76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu arranges its children side by side, wrapping as necessary. The following snippet places approximately 100 tiny rectangles inside the positioner. After this, the never-ending animation will adjust the width of 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu to make it continuously arrange its children.
The code snippet is meant to be run with 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu.
Preconditions[edit | edit source]
- Qt 4.7 or higher is installed on your platform.
Source[edit | edit source]
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
width: 800; height: 480
color: "black"
Component.onCompleted: animation.start()
Flow {
id: flow
property real originalWidth: 790
x: 5; y: 5
width: originalWidth
spacing: 10
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: 104
Rectangle {
width: 20; height: 20
color: { var c = index / repeater.count; return Qt.rgba(1-c, c, c, 1) }
SequentialAnimation {
id: animation
loops: Animation.Infinite
PropertyAnimation { target: flow; property: "width"; to: 200; duration: 1000 }
PropertyAnimation { target: flow; property: "width"; to: flow.originalWidth; duration: 1000 }
Postconditions[edit | edit source]
The 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu QML element is demonstrated by inserting a large amount of rectangles inside it and changing the width of 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu to make the rectangle positions rearrange continuously.