Qt hybrid applications

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Template:ArticleMetaData Qt Hybrid Applications

Note: A QtWebKit hands-oh lab module is available to walk through creating Qt Hybrid Application step by step http://www.developer.nokia.com/document/Mobile_Hands-on_Labs/Qt/QtWebKit/

Combine the best of both worlds - maximizing the use of web development skills with Qt

With Hybrid approach web developers can make native applications that have no feature access restrictions (like WRT widgets do). As the end result is a Qt application it runs where ever Qt is supported (Symbian 3.1+, Maemo 5+, Windows, Windows CE, Linux, Mac,...)

Implementing a hybrid application requires some Qt skills. Nokia is working on a framework to enable pure web developers to make hybrid applications without any need to write a single line of Qt.

For overview presentations about the approach see f.ex Qt everywhere presentation in http://www.slideshare.net/pkosonen

This is a placeholder for the project information. We'll be implementing this open source and will introduce the approach in Symbian expo (SEE 2009)

This page will be updated soon with live demos and repository information. Stay tuned.
