Archived:Getting started with Qt

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Overview[edit | edit source]

Qt (pronounced "cute") is a cross platform development framework which allows you to target both mobile devices and desktop platforms.

App user interfaces for mobile devices are created using Qt Quick and the Qt Quick Components (an application framework for Qt Quick). The "programming language" of Qt Quick is called QML, a declarative language which combines a CSS like declaration of how the UI looks in different states and how it animates between them, along with JavaScript. The language is intuitive and relatively easy to learn - even relative novices can create very fluid interfaces with little effort.

Application engines can often be written directly in Qt Quick/QML using JavaScript as many useful C++ APIs are exposed or can trivially be imported into QM. Where JavaScript does not provide the needed functionality or is simply not fast enough, you can always write your engine using the full power of Qt C++ and then expose both properties and functions to your QML app (this requires some C++ programming ability, but is well documented).


Getting started[edit | edit source]

We recommend you start with the Getting Started with Qt section on the static site. This explains how to download the latest Qt SDK. This contains the Qt Creator IDE, which in turn contains documentation and everything else you need to get started.

The static site has links to many other resources, and we include a few additional links below.

Further resources[edit | edit source]