Using QTestLib in S60
Overview[edit | edit source]
In general passing console parameters for application can be considered inconvenient in S60 especially when testing on device. This snippet demonstrates how to modify QTEST_MAIN macro so that application ignores command line parameters and saves test results to "c:\data" + [application name] +."log" file. This speeds testing process because user can start tests simply clicking on the application icon and tests results will be available under data folder.
Example[edit | edit source]
Header that defines new macro[edit | edit source]
- include <QtTest/QtTest>
- ifndef S60UNITTEST_H_
- define S60UNITTEST_H_
- define QTEST_MAIN_S60(TestObject) \
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
{ \
char *new_argv[3]; \
QApplication app(argc, argv); \
QString str = "C:\\data\\" + QFileInfo(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath()).baseName() + ".log"; \
QByteArray bytes = str.toAscii(); \
char arg1[] = "-o"; \
new_argv[0] = argv[0]; \
new_argv[1] = arg1; \
new_argv[2] =; \
TestObject tc; \
return QTest::qExec(&tc, 3, new_argv); \
- endif /* S60UNITTEST_H_ */
In cpp file instead of using QTEST_MAIN macro use QTEST_MAIN_S60. Unit test examples for QTestLib can be found under qt\examples\qtestlib folder at Qt SDK.