Shopping List Application in Qt
Introduction[edit | edit source]
By relatively shorter effort we can write application in Qt compared to Symbian C++. There are lots of widgets are built in and developers just need to use it without thinking much. In this article, we have introduced the shopping list application for Qt. This has been tested with 5th edition emulator and N97. Developers can add functionalities such as send via SMS or send via BT (Bluetooth) to make it more powerful shopping list application. Similar shopping list can be found from the following links in non Qt platform. implemented by Symbian C++ probably implemented by Java
How it works[edit | edit source]
User inserts items for first time either in new list view or all item view. Those are stored as new list (this one is actually going to be new shopping list). If an item is added to new list that is passed to all item view. Later when user make a new list then we just selects from all item view and creates a new list for shopping. When user has the new shopping list, if he purchases an item then the app mark it as purchased and when all items are marked it will be stored in the file system, number of stored list can be controlled by the settings item in the 3rd tab.
Classes used in this application[edit | edit source]
QMainWindow, QAction, QString etc classes have been used and that can seen from the attached zip file