Qt compiled with RVCT has visibility inlines hidden problem

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Template:ArticleMetaData Developer who is trying to compile Qt application with RVCT compiler’s version before v2.2 build 686 will face the problem "--visibility_inlines_hidden". That's because no option like --visibility_inlines_hidden existed for the earlier compiler versions.


Here is the way to solve this problem:

1. Open <Qt_PATH>\mkspecs\common\symbian\symbian.conf (for example, C:\Qt\4.6.0\mkspecs\common\symbian\symbian.conf) using any Text Editor.

2. Looking for the line QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.ARMCC = --visibility_inlines_hidden


3. Just remove --visibility_inlines_hidden and then save file.


4. Everything will work fine now!!

See Also[edit | edit source]
