KAsteroids for S60

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Description[edit | edit source]

Qt for fully supported platforms contains a lot of interesting examples. One nice example is old well known game KAsteroids from KDE project.The KAsteroids Handbook. Originally this game was developed under Qt3 and in the current release (Qt 4) uses special module Qt3Support. There are no plans for supporting this module in Qt - so we can not use this version for S60 devices.

But it is possible to port KAsteroids sources from Qt3 to Qt4 - it is necessary to replace unsupported classes (Q3PtrList, QColorGroup etc.) and methods. Also it is necessary to implement several minor changes for comfortable playing on a device :

  • full screen mode
  • additional control keys
  • new colors for several elements

You can find sources suitable for S60 following this link: asteroids s60 sources.zip
Self-signed binaries of KAsteroids for S60: asteroids s60 binaries.zip

Note: You should install all necessary libraries (Open C/C++ for 3rd Edition FP1 devices and Qt libraries) before installing KAsteroids.

Screenshots:[edit | edit source]

Nokia E90:
File:Asteroids e90.png

Nokia N95:
File:Asteroids n95.png

Control keys:

  • rotation left/right - navigation buttons
  • fire - space or 5
  • acceleration - shift+up or 4
  • shield - S or 6
  • new game - shift+N or 1
  • new ship - shift+L or 2
ru:Игра "KAsteroids" под S60