How to use Mobile Extension APIs in Qt for Symbian
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Preconditions[edit | edit source]
- Download and install the Qt SDK.
Use Mobile Extension APIs by copying files[edit | edit source]
You can also use Mobile Extension APIs by directly copying files to your project. For that you have to copy source files from respective extension directory. For example to use Telephony API extension go to src directory (..\Mobile_extensions_preview_2\extensions\telephony\src) of telephony directory in preview package, copy and past all files to your project. After that modify your .pro file as per implementation notes, you will find implementation notes in documentation. For that check ../Mobile_extensions_preview_2/doc/index.html and then click on Telephony API > Telephony API implementation notes.
Use Mobile Extension APIs through Carbide.C++ templates[edit | edit source]
It is not mandatory to use the Carbide templates, but it is easy to use the Carbide.c++ templates. For using templates, copy the file from ..\Mobile_extensions_preview_2\extensions directory of your downloaded package and past it into the Carbide.c++ plugins directory (for example D:\Program Files\Nokia\Carbide.c++ 2.0\plugins). This plugin allows you to access source classes that you downloaded from preview package.
After installation you can use it in your application as follows.
[edit | edit source]
Select the project for which you want to add the Extension API[edit | edit source]
Specify the name and location of the generated source and header files, for example MyExtendedClass here[edit | edit source]
Select the extension you want to use, for example Telephony API extension[edit | edit source]
Note: Copy the last line from Extension note and past them in your .pro file. for example copy "symbian:LIBS += -letel3rdparty" and past it to .pro file for Telephony API extension.