Get list of installed applications and its UID in Qt

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Headers required[edit | edit source]

#include <XQInstaller>

.pro file[edit | edit source]

symbian:LIBS += -lswinstcli \

   -lcommdb \
   -lapparc \
   -lefsrv \

symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += TrustedUI

Source[edit | edit source]

void GetInstalledApps::GetApps() { XQInstaller* m_installer = new XQInstaller(this);

/* Get List of applications.

    * type of m_applications is QMap<QString, uint>.

m_applications = m_installer->applications();

/* Get List of application names *type of m_appNames is QList<QString> */ m_appNames = m_applications.keys();

/* Get List of application UID in decimal. *type of m_appUID is QList<uint> */ m_appUID = m_applications.values();

ui.listWidget->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_appNames.count(); i++) { QString str; /* convert UID from decimal to hex and then string. */ str.setNum(,16); /* append name and UID to string */ QString string(" UID:"+ str); /* append string to list widget to display on screen */ ui.listWidget->addItem(string); }

/* Let's make the UI scale so that we can scroll it. */ QScrollArea* scrollArea = new QScrollArea; scrollArea->setWidget(ui.listWidget); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true);

       /* setCentralWidget() takes ownership of scrollArea and deletes it at the appropriate time. so no need to delete scrollArea */

setCentralWidget(scrollArea); }

Postconditions[edit | edit source]

The code snippet is expected to show a list of all installed applicationa with its UID.


Code Example[edit | edit source]

  • The Code Example will show a list of all installed application with UID. The application is tested on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

Related Links[edit | edit source]