File based logging in Qt for debugging
ID | Creation date | 28th Mar 2010 | |
Platform | S60 5th Edition | Tested on devices | Nokia N97 Mini |
Category | Qt | Subcategory |
Keywords (APIs, classes, methods, functions): qInstallMsgHandler |
Overview[edit | edit source]
I agree that there are ways to debug application using IDE, but in long run every developers requires a way to print debugging info in to the file. In case of Qt there are standard ways to use file logging as shown below.
- Using 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu
- Using 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu
But the above 2 requires developers either to include a heavier static lib or have to convert to a specific data format (like 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu or 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu) before logging .
Here we will see a simple file logging methods which is very easy to use and requires not more then 25 lines. Before you start logging still it provides same level of flexibility to log debug/info/warning etc.
Step 1.[edit | edit source]
We will create a logging handler.
- include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ofstream logfile;
void SimpleLoggingHandler(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) {
switch (type) {
case QtDebugMsg:
logfile << QTime::currentTime().toString().toAscii().data() << " Debug: " << msg << "\n";
case QtCriticalMsg:
logfile << QTime::currentTime().toString().toAscii().data() << " Critical: " << msg << "\n";
case QtWarningMsg:
logfile << QTime::currentTime().toString().toAscii().data() << " Warning: " << msg << "\n";
case QtFatalMsg:
logfile << QTime::currentTime().toString().toAscii().data() << " Fatal: " << msg << "\n";
Step 2.[edit | edit source]
Open A file to be where application will be logging for example"c:\\data\\logfile.txt", ios::app);
Step 3.[edit | edit source]
Install our handler as a qInstallMsgHandler.
That is it now we can use the normal qCritical(), qDebug(), qFatal() and qWarning() to direct messages to file. for example
- include <QTime>
- define PREFIX "[myDebugPrint]" << QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz")
void MyClass::myFunction(int variable)
qDebug() << PREFIX << "MyClass::myFunction() begin";
qDebug("code is not activated");
qDebug() << variable;
qDebug() << PREFIX << "MyClass::myFunction() end";
Reference links[edit | edit source]
--Skumar rao 16:52, 29 March 2010 (UTC)