Facebook Connect
News[edit | edit source]
QFaceBookConnect is available for download here Updated version of this wiki is available at: http://gitorious.org/qfacebookconnect/pages/Home
A more comprehensive example on how to use qfacebookconnect is facebrick, facebrick aims to implement a facebook client for Nokia N900, It should also compile on Symbian with minor modifications.
Introduction[edit | edit source]
QFacebookconnect is a port of the Facebook connect for iPhone to Qt so enabling Symbian, Maemo, and any Qt supported platform to make API calls to Facebook’s platform.
How to use[edit | edit source]
There is a sample application in the sample/ folder, which can be a good starting point.
Session[edit | edit source]
The first thing that you need to do is to create a session, like this:
FBSession* session = FBSession::sessionForApplication("<YOUR APP KEY>", "<YOUR APP SECRET>", QString());
The third parameter is for specifying a session proxy, read more about it on facebook developer pages. The FBSession::sessionForApplication creates a new instance of the FBSession and it’s your job to delete it later when its not needed any more.
Once you have a session object, you can connect to the signals you are interested in:
void sessionDidLogin (FBUID aUid);
void sessionDidNotLogin ();
void sessionWillLogout (FBUID aUid);
void sessionDidLogout ();
I think the method names are self explanatory. You can always use the sender() function from QObject to find out who sent the signal.
Unlike the objective-c version of Facebook connect, you don't have to worry about disconnecting signals when u delete your session. Qt will take care of that.
Login[edit | edit source]
To login to facebook you can use the FBLoginDialog like so:
if (iFBSession->resume() == false)
iLoginDialog = new FBLoginDialog();
The FBSession::resume() function checks if it is possible to restore a previously saved session and thus avoid logging in again, if it is possible the sessionDidLogin() signal will be emitted before it returns true.
How to make a request[edit | edit source]
Use the FBRequest::request() static function to get an FBRequest object.
Then use the call method supplying it with the request name and parameters, like so:
FBRequest* request = FBRequest::request();
Dictionary params;
QString query = "select name,pic_big, status,birthday_date, timezone from user where uid in (select uid2 from friend where uid1==" +UserId+ ")";
params["query"] = query;
connect (request, SIGNAL(requestDidLoad(QVariant)), this, SLOT(requestDidLoad(QVariant)));
connect (request, SIGNAL(requestFailedWithFacebookError(FBError)), this, SLOT(requestFailedWithFacebookError(FBError)));
and then in the signal method:
void MainWindow::requestDidLoad(const QVariant& aContainer)
if (aContainer.type() == QVariant::List)
QVariantList list = aContainer.toList();
for (int i = 0 ; i < list.count(); i ++)
QVariantHash dictionary = list.at(i).toHash();
QHashIterator<QString, QVariant> iterator(dictionary);
QString name = dictionary.value("name").toString();
sender()->deleteLater(); // delete the request !
QVariantList, QVariantHash and QVariant[edit | edit source]
I decided to keep the code simple and therefore I opted to use the QVariants, but as the qt document on QVariant says: "You can even store QList<QVariant> and QMap<QString, QVariant> values in a variant, so you can easily construct arbitrarily complex data structures of arbitrary types. This is very powerful and versatile, **but may prove less memory and speed efficient than storing specific types in standard data structures."** QVariant
May be later on this can be improved.
Getting Permissions[edit | edit source]
Use FBPermissionDialog to do that, read more on the Facebook connect pages on Facebook about it.
How to report bugs[edit | edit source]
Please file bug reports on Google Code @ QFacebook on Google Code
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