Deploying Qt application with Qt dependencies

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Overview[edit | edit source]

This article shows a way to deploy Qt application to target platform with needed Qt library dependencies. The installation machine does not need Qt to be installed.

Qt application folder hierarchy[edit | edit source]

Place all required Qt run-time libraries and plugins to a directory hierarchy in a deployment machine. Say we have basic Qt application with simple GUI to show JPEG image, we might want to use this kind of hierarchy:

qt.conf QtApp.exe QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll plugins/imageformats/qjpeg4.dll

Note that the Qt run-time libraries must be at the same folder with Qt application.

Defining Qt plugins locations with qt.conf[edit | edit source]

The Qt plugins location can be defined into qt.conf file so that the Qt application will find them:

[Paths] Plugins = plugins

External links[edit | edit source]

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