Archived:Qt Tutorial Lesson 1 - Installation

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Install Carbide C++ and S60 SDK[edit | edit source]

Make sure you have Symbian development environment (Carbide C++ 2.0, S60 SDK 3rd FP1 or S60 SDK 3rd FP2 or S60 SDK 5th Edition and Active Perl) installed on your computer. If you still don't have them yet, please do following these steps.

Active Perl Installation[edit | edit source]

- Download Active Perl from

- install it to C:\Perl or any directory that doesn't contain space character

Carbide C++ Installation[edit | edit source]

- Download Carbide C++ 2.0 from

- install it to C:\ (in case if you installed Perl in different drive, you have to install Carbide C++ to the same drive as Perl)

S60 SDK Installation[edit | edit source]

- Download S60 3rd SDK FP1 or S60 3rd SDK FP2 or S60 5th SDK 1.0 from (I suggest you to download S60 3rd SDK FP2 for button-based application and S60 5th SDK 1.0 for touch-based application)

- install it to the same drive as Perl and Carbide C++

Test your Installation[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to test that your Symbian Development Environment work or not.

- Open Carbide C++ 2.0 from Start Menu and define workspace directory. Please make sure that there is no space contain in workspace directory or your code will can't be compiled.

- on the menu bar, choose File -> New -> Symbian OS C++ Project

File:CarbideNewProject 1.png

- Select GUI Application under S60 and press Next

File:CarbideNewProject 2.png

- Define Project Name (HelloWorld for newbie) and press Next

File:CarbideNewProject 3.png

- Check at Emulator Debug (WINSCW) and Phone Release (GCCE) under desired SDK (S60 3rd FP2 or/and S60 5th SDK) and press Next

File:CarbideNewProject 4.png

- Define Application UID and press Finish (in case you don't know what it is, you can use the generated UID, so just press Finish)

File:CarbideNewProject 5.png

- Now there will be a project named HelloWorld at the left pane. Right mouse click at project name and change Active Build Configuration to Emulator Debug (WINSCW)

File:CarbideNewProject 6.png

- Press Run icon on tool bar

File:CarbideNewProject 7 2.png

- New Launch Configuration Wizard will appear. Select Emulator in Process to launch and then press Finish

File:CarbideNewProject 8.png

- Carbide C++ will compile the code for you. After finish, Emulator will be launched automatically.

File:CarbideNewProject 9.png

- Now go into Menu -> Installations. There should be HelloWorld icon

File:CarbideNewProject 10.jpg

- Now launch it

File:CarbideNewProject 11.png

- Hello Worlddddd ;)

Install Open C/C++ Plugin and Qt[edit | edit source]

Install Open C/C++ Plugin[edit | edit source]

Open C Plugin is required by Qt. To install it:

- Download latest version of Open C/C++ Plug-in from

- Install it to desired SDK (In case you need to install the plug-in to multiple SDK, you have to do the installation one by one)


Install Qt SDK[edit | edit source]

- Download latest version of Qt Windows installer from (Download LGPL version)

- Install it to same drive as S60 SDK (Make sure that your selected directory does not contain any space character)

File:QtS60Installation 1.png

- In installation process, you will be requested to choose the SDK(s) to install Qt, please select all SDK(s) you want.

File:QtS60Installation 2.png

- And then Next Next and Next

File:QtS60Installation 3.png

- Finish!!

Setup Qt on Carbide C++[edit | edit source]

Now you have to setup Carbide C++ to know Qt path. To do that, please do the following step:

- Open Carbide C++ 2.0

- On the menu bar, choose Window -> Preferences

- Select Qt on the left pane and then press Add

- Enter Version Name and Browse for Qt Bin Path and then click Finish

File:QtS60Installation 4.png

Testing[edit | edit source]

To test it:

- On the menu bar, choose File -> New -> Qt Project


- Choose Qt GUI Main Window

File:NewQtProject 1.png

- Define Project Name

File:NewQtProject 2.png

- Select Target SDK

File:NewQtProject 3.png

File:NewQtProject 4.png

- Define Application UID (in case you don't know just press Finish)

File:NewQtProject 5.png

- Now, there will be HelloWorldQt project appear in the left pane.

File:NewQtProject 6.png

- Run with Emulator launch configuration.

File:CarbideNewProject 7 2.png

File:CarbideNewProject 8.png

- HelloWorldQt icon should be in Menu -> Installations folder in Emulator

File:NewQtProject 7.jpg

- Launch it!

File:NewQtProject 8.jpg

- Bingo!! Hello CUTEEEEEEEEE ^_^

See Also[edit | edit source]
