Using Qt Mobility to get metadata from media files

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Description[edit | edit source]

With the 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu and 76ytuiytuityutyutututyutyutyu functions we can retrieve the metadata in a media file (audio/video). The metadata information can be only retrieved while the file is playing.

Qt Mobility APIs are included in the Qt SDK.

Solution[edit | edit source]

Define the QtMobility/Multimedia configuration in the .pro file:

 CONFIG += mobility
 MOBILITY = multimedia

Header files:

 #include <QMediaPlayer>
 #include <qtmedianamespace.h>


 // Use QMediaPlayer as a class member
 QMediaPlayer *player;
 // create the player and start playback
 player = new QMediaPlayer(this);
 player->setVolume( 25 );

A method to get the metadata of the media file:

 void MediaMetaDataExample::GetMetaData()
   // Get the list of keys there is metadata available for
   QList<QtMediaServices::MetaData> metadatalist = player->availableMetaData();
   // Get the size of the list
   int list_size = metadatalist.size();
   // Define variables to store metadata key and value    
   QtMediaServices::MetaData metadata_key;
   QVariant var_data;
   for (int indx = 0; indx < list_size; indx++) {
     // Get the key from the list
     metadata_key =;
     // Get the value for the key
     var_data = player->metaData(metadata_key);
     switch(metadata_key) {
       case QtMediaServices::Title:
         // Retrieve title (using var_data.toString())
       case QtMediaServices::SubTitle:
         // Retrieve subtitle
       case QtMediaServices::Author:
         // Retrieve author
       // ... see QtMediaServices for rest of the values

A method to get the extended metadata of the media file:

 void MediaMetaDataExample::GetExtendedMetaData()
   // Retrieve extended metadata key list
   QStringList extn_metadata = player->availableExtendedMetaData();
   int count_extn = extn_metadata.count();
   QString extn_metadata_key;
   QVariant extn_metadata_value;
   for( int indx = 0; indx < count_extn; indx++ )
     extn_metadata_key =;
     extn_metadata_value = player->extendedMetaData(extn_metadata_key);
     // Process extended metadata here
     // Need to convert QVariant into proper type